Road accidents have become one of the most common ways to face death or fatal injuries in this time and age. According to statistics, the number of car accidents in Canada per year adds up to 160 000. Out of which, approximately 2 900 accidents lead to death.
Study shows three main reasons for car accidents: impaired driving, speeding, and distractions.
There are several types of road or car accidents. In the list given below, some of the most frequently occurred road accidents are named.
- Rear-end collision
- Sideswipe collision
- Side-impact collision
- Head-on collisions
- Rollover
- Single car accident
- Multiple vehicle pile-up
In this article, we will focus on rear end collision and everything you need to know regarding it.
Table of Contents
Read-end Collision
A rear-end collision is the type of accident that occurs when two cars driving in the same lane collide. When a car gets hit by another car from behind or on the rear end, both the cars will feel the impact. The car’s passenger that gets hit will feel burnt of the impact far more than the car that hits from behind.
Reasons for rear-end collision
There could be a few reasons why a rear-end collision takes place. However, the most common reason for this collision is that when one of the cars changes speed abruptly without signaling the other car, which could be immediately in front or behind them.
The abrupt acceleration or deceleration of speed will take your nearest most neighboring car by surprise and not give enough time to change their speed. Hence, resulting in a rear-end collision.
Some of the other reasons for a rear-end collision include:
- Tailgating
- Not obeying traffic laws
- Distracted driving
- Car defects
- Driver error
- Poor weather conditions
Rear end collision injuries
Like every other accident, rear-end collision leads to serious injuries that can last for a lifetime for some unfortunate victims. Here is a list of injuries that occur due to rear-ended injuries:
- Head and brain injuries
- Back and spinal cord injuries
- Facial cuts and scarring
- Neck and chest injuries
- Arm and wrist injuries
- Soft Tissue injuries
- Whiplash-associated disorder
Symptoms of whiplash from rear-end collision
One of the most common injuries resulting from a rear-end collision is the whiplash-associated disorder (WAP).
When a rear-end collision takes place due to the sudden impact, if one of the passenger’s head whips back and forth like a whiplash, then a whiplash-associated disorder is said to have occurred. In this form of injury, the victim’s head snaps back and forth violently, and due to the motion, severe damages occur in the nerves, muscles, ligaments, and bones of the neck area.
When someone is diagnosed with the whiplash-associated disorder, they suffer from severe neck pain, spasms, muscle weakness, limited motion, swelling, and tender neck and shoulder muscles. Many victims are prone to suffering from depression and other mental and emotional health issues due to physical pain.
Victims of whiplash-associated disorder need to seek immediate medical help. They might require intensive care and extensive treatment, including chiropractic care, surgery, rehabilitation, and medication. Depending upon the severity of the injury, many might have difficulties carrying out ordinary everyday activities. Hence, they must rest and give their body the required time to heal.
Understand who was at fault
One of the most debatable issues when it comes to a rear-end collision is the question of whose fault the accident occurred. It is often believed the car that hit from behind is the one at fault. However, that is not the case in every situation.
If the car in the front accelerates or decelerates suddenly while driving without any forewarning, the car behind might not be able to adjust its speed on time. The same goes for if the situation is reversed. Thus, a thorough investigation is required, and every little evidence is essential in such situations.
It is genuinely more than often the car in the rear is at fault as they might be tailgating the car in front or might be in a rush to go. When the car in the rear tries to overtake, that could result in a rear-end collision.
Some of the other reasons could be distracted driving, drunk driving, or even car equipment failure.
How to avoid a rear-end collision
If you are a new driver or even an expert regular driver, it is equally important to know and educate yourself on avoiding a rear-end accident. Given below is a list of how to avoid a rear-end collision.
- Always keep your eye out for oncoming traffic farther ahead. If you notice traffic beforehand, then you will be prepared and ready to break your car and stop gently and with more time in hand. This will also signal the cars behind you to take proper precautions to brake and stop their car instead of slamming the brake last minute and crashing into the car in front of them.
- One of the essential tasks of a driver is to check the mirrors constantly. Check your rearview mirror and the side mirrors within 5 to 8 seconds interval. This way, you will get into the habit of checking your mirrors constantly and be on alert. You should especially check your rearview mirror when you are slowing down or stopping the car. This is to ensure whether the car behind you is slowing down or stopping too on time or not.
- Always be alert and focused while driving. This goes for when you stopped your car in traffic or just waiting at an intersection. Even if there are no cars around, it is safe to be alert. You never know when a speeding car with a distracted driver hurls towards you that might cause a fatal accident.
- Every time you stop your car, note down possible escape routes. This will help you prepare and be ready for any last-minute escape you might have to make if a speeding vehicle comes at you.
- It is essential to remember never to stop in traffic or at a stop sign abruptly. If you rush, you’ll have to brake hard to stop, which might be harmful to you and the car. Moreover, the car behind you will be then forced to come to a halt suddenly too, and they might not be able to stop in time. Hence, it is advisable to stop slowly and gradually.
- Like the previous point, keep space between your car and the car in front of you while driving. This will once again keep you out of any immediate danger zone and help you escape safely.
- Keep a car or two’s space between you and the vehicle in front of you when you come to a stop. This will ensure you have possible and safe escape routes if you need to take one.
- Check your brake lights and blinkers regularly to make sure they are working in pristine condition. If even one of them fails to work correctly at the right time, it could lead to a fatal accident.
Seek Aid from a Lawyer
If you ever face a rear-end accident and unfortunately suffer injuries, it is highly advisable to seek help from the law. Hire a lawyer who specializes in road accidents or take a similar type of case. They will be able to guide you and understand where you stand in the aftermath of the situation.
The lawyer will investigate the accident and all the involved parties thoroughly. They will collect and analyze all the evidence from the accident and seek help from experts in the accident and road construction areas.
The lawyer will then identify and determine who is at fault in the accident. They will also analyze the depth of damage the accident caused to your well-being, such as physical, emotional, mental, and financial. Using the collected information, the lawyer can then seek compensation on your behalf through an ICBC tort claim, no-fault benefits claim, or both.
To Conclude
If you are a victim of rear end collision or want to avoid being in such a situation, you need to acquire adequate knowledge to deal with the ordeal in both cases. Know your rights as a victim of rear-end collision and know how you can become a more self-aware driver to avoid ever being in such a disastrous accident.
When you drive, only knowing how to drive isn’t enough to make you a good driver. To be a good driver, you will need to understand and educate yourselves about all the laws related to driving and possible accidents. You will also have to be a responsible and alert driver for your safety and your fellow drivers’ and pedestrians’ safety.